Wednesday, January 17, 2007

can you tell when a goose is cooked?

happy new year 2007!!!!

super exciting, i know. 2007. it's been 7 whole years since Y2K was going to make my apple IIe skills irrelevant...

quick apologies to the three of you who check this site more often than i do. can you believe that i actually forgot the web address? no, really! i did! wait... you're not disagreeing with me.

so right now, its 28 degrees in bountiful college station, texas and we're being hit with the "4th ice storm in the past quarter-century". someone (not brilliant but close) at the weather channel is calling it the "texas two-slip". why is this important? well, four days ago, i was sitting in beautiful st.croix, wondering how to get sand out of my dive gear. today, i'm wondering why i left st.croix in the first place. school was supposed to start two days ago, and i swear that we've had two snow days! totally understandable given that i would have preferred a pair of skates to my shoes as i walked to school today. why go to school on a snow day? well, 1) the monastery has no/little heat/insulation. and 2) someone at the monastery (most likely me) forgot to pay the cable bill for 2 months and so they turned it off over break. bummer. worst, though, is that we're out of food at the house and i don't want some nutjob to ram me on the road because they think that by owning a big american truck that they won't slip on the ice.

but enough of that, this semester is going to be a whammy, for sure. case in point? a 5-page paper assigned today despite not having class even once before it's due. i'm guessing the professor never took a "skills of teaching" course, where one of the primary aphorisms is to "never alienate your students on the first day of class." or maybe he has and is taking it literally by alienating us prior to said class...

as mentioned above, vacation in st.croix was superb. lots of lounging, curling up on the couch with the puppy while watching "price is right" (how i never went to a taping whilst in los angeles will weigh heavily on my mind for a long time...), going out to the bar (and drinking for free!), hitting the beach, diving, carnival!, and of course, christmas with my dearest. new year's on virgin gorda? yes, doctor! gotta love it! and double bonus: said dearest had a contact with a charter pilot who got us over there in 22 minutes (versus the 8+ hours of ferries required two years ago). i even rode in the co-pilot seat on the way back and now am beginning to wonder if my fear of flying is overblown. it's not, but thanks for the drugs, elibzeff! everyone who hates flying should be given fun things. for me, it used to be whiskey prior to take-off, but i have to admit, "mood elevators" or whatever those things were, it was nice not to leave a crease in the seat for once.

of course, as i begin to swoon for air travel after a long cold spell, they go and foul everything up. how? american airlines has "lost" my luggage. not both bags (somehow my dive gear made it...) but the one with the "cold weather clothes" including some bitching slippers i got for christmas are now somewhere between the virgin islands and here. and probably with a couple bottles of broken hot sauce soiling everything too. and to compound matters, they took my polo cologne bottle on the way down. bet they re-gifted that, those crummy tsa-ers. hate 'em!
so i'm sitting here in texas with no rain coat or my wicked awesome yale sweatshirt (super heavy with deep monk hood. it's da bomb!) for what is looking to be the worst weather i've faced in the past 5 years. at the very least, i packed my ali g dvds in my carry on so i have something to assuage my anger. but of course, fingers are crossed.

so that's the update... on to the shout-outs!

MY NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION IS GOING GREAT SHOUT-OUT TO: Skippy Peanut Butter! i gave up "trans fats" after a news report saying that they were about the worst thing you could put in yourself that wasn't called di-methyl mercury. and i was faring the worst because, even with said resolution, i probably had a good 25 years of trans fats already on me from my certain diet. but guess what?!!! no trans fats! just loads of saturated fats! yea! (i think...)

WICKED DANCING STYLE SHOUT-OUT TO: Misty H. of St.Croix. four days on virgin gorda and she left about 3 broken hearts when we boarded the plane home. some people have a way with bartenders on that tropical island, and i know both of them.

DID THEY JUST DO THAT? SHOUT-OUT TO: my dear homey Ryan H. of St.Croix. whilst watching the "Adult Parade" at the Christmas Carnival, doctor ryan got the quote of the year 2006 while a dance troupe performed something that seemed awfully similar to (what i would imagine to be) synchronized ob-gyn examinations. and i'm already sorry for that visual image, but rest assured, ryan isn't. or won't be. for a while.

JUST GOES TO SHOW YOU SHOUT-OUT TO: USC Football. Blasting out Michigan prior to the big flat fart that Ohio State made against Florida made me (and every other trojan i know) think: we would've killed them! of course, given my travels, i missed most of the bowl games (i saw the 1st half of both the title game and the rose bowl) but i did wear all my USC gear to the bar for the buckeye massacre and, as the gator fans (excluding dear friend and actual UF alum Moe who was strangely absent) were cheering and "chomping" i started with my annoying rendition of SoCal Spellouts and Fight On and "Beat the Gators!" and other trash-talking that will be irrelevant b/c florida won't win the SEC next year. though, i'm secretly afraid of Boise State.

WHY YOU SHOULD ADOPT SHOUT-OUT TO: my puppy rowan. after 4 months away, she still remembered my face (and probably smell...) when i got off the plane. and let me tell you, a hyper-excited 30lbs. bundle of furry joy ready to lick your face off is about the very best "welcome home" you can ask for. i miss her already.

and finally, CAN'T I GET A PIECE OF PEACE SHOUT-OUT TO: the year 2007. i hope everyone is doing well, keep reading this treacle and sending me emails (i am again writing back) and enjoy what you're doing. i have to admit, despite the workload in front of me, i'm eager to get back to work here. and, as the book i almost bought says, "you too can write your dissertation in 15 minutes a day!" that they ignore that that would require 9 years of 15-minute days is beside the point, i'm certain.


and PS SHOUT-OUT TO: all my dear friends who got engaged/married in 2006. the list is enviably full: D-Mike of Boston, Kristin S. of NoCal, Heidi R. of Missoula, Slider R. of Honolulu, J-Blonde of St. Thomas, Lauren G. (Miss G!) of Indiana, and Elibzeff B. of St. Thomas. days of happiness and bliss to each of you! and should you have been part of my "Ultimate Singles Challenge" bet, don't forget to get that check to me in the mail! it's tax-deductible!

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